우리 연구실 조원희(인공지능융합학과 석사과정), 김창영(IoT인공지능융합전공 4학년) 학생으로 이루어진 ForYou 팀이 일반대학원 GS-RPM(연구기획역량강화) 지원사업에 선정되었습니다. ForYou 팀은 […]
Our lab student Chang-young Kim (4th grader in Artificial Intelligence Convergence Major) was awarded the grand […]
Truong Dong’s paper “Image and Text fusion with Convolutional Autoencoder for Deep Multi-modal Clustering” is selected […]
Trinh is selected for the CNU scholarship of next generation of research for Ph.D. Congratulations!!! He […]
We opened our YouTube channel!Please, visit the channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC79zfFlo5U8vo7alYvypGIA/featured
Ngoc-Huynh Ho , Hyung-Jeong Yang*, Soo-Hyung Kim, Sung Taek Jung, Sang-Don Joo, “Regenerative Semi-Supervised Bidirectional W-network […]
Trinh’s paper “Analysis of Brain CT images for Automatic Assessment of ASPECTS using 3D Convolutional Neural […]
GoRa from our lab is hired by Neck and will go to work next week. You […]